Zombicide Black Plague Wiki

"Well now that's just wrong." - Common Survivor reaction to Chromatiz

The fabled Chromatic Unicorns from the elven realms were always rather curious creatures. Literally: they're curious about everything. Strangers to their woods would often find themselves watched from afar, or turn about to spot a unicorn following their trail by scent. Most had little to fear from these beasts, lest they enter the wood with evil intent. Then they'd discover that the unicorns were far from helpless. But now, with the black plague sweeping the world, it seems at least one of these noble beasts has developed an intense curiosity concerning the taste of living flesh.  


The terrible blight that is the Chromatiz is one of the deadliest Abominations in existence, where once its pure and benevolent nature dwelled now only malice and hunger reside. Worse still, the Chromatic Unicorns were legendary in holding affinities for princes and princesses alike - a trait the blight have warped into varying bonuses based on the number of male and female survivors currently on the board.

It would be the utmost mercy to put down this once noble beast - if your group has the skill and luck to do so!

NOTE: The following may change upon release

  • Actions: 3 or 2, see Special rules
  • Damage Inflicted: 3 or 2, see special rules
  • Min. Damage to Destroy: 3
  • Experience provided: 5 points
  • Target Priority: 2
  • Special rules:
    • Wounds inflicted by Abominations can’t be prevented by Armour rolls.
    • At the start of each of Chromatiz's activations, determine how many Actions it has and what Damage it deals during this activation:
      • Chromatiz has 3 Actions, but only 2 Actions if any female Survivors are within Line of Sight.
      • Chromatiz inflicts Damage 3, but only Damage 2 if any male Survivors are within Line of Sight.
      • Familiars don't count.
