Zombicide Black Plague Wiki

From the point of view of many, rats are pests to be killed on first sight. They eat our crops and soil our houses. With a second thought, however, the destines or rat and man seem linked. Both species are survivors. We accused rats to be responsible for the black plague, the zombie disease, but it seems they carry the burden in the same way we do. They are vulnerable, and can be turned into zombies; we call these the Ratz.

Ratz are as numerous as their brethren, of course, but their fear of man as been replaced with a hunger for human flesh. For an unknown reason for far, they act like a giant pack: as soon as some of them find a fresh food source, all ratz in the vicinity gather for the feast. The more there are, the more frantic these critters become, and you know how agile, how fast a rat can be!

  • Actions: 1?
  • Damage Inflicted: 1
  • Min. Damage to Destroy: 1
  • Experience provided: 1 points
  • Target Priority: ?
  • Special rules:
    • Move 2 zones per activation, ignoring obstacles that prevent movement such as barriers and waterhole ledges, though they cannot cross walls and closed doors.
    • Every Ratz spawn card also gives an extra activation to all Ratz on the board!